Workshop Add-ons

jelly break~

What is a workshop add-on?

It is a simple 10 - 15 mins audience engaging element during the workshop to take away from the regular coding sessions to dive in-to communication improvement, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and other gaming activities as well.

These add-ons will act as jelly breaks to give the audience some intervals.

TA1202: Reading Break (fka HBR Break)

We will ask you to read a well-written article within 5 minutes of time and ask you to engage in a group discussion with your fellow students.

This add-on will last only 13 mins. It will help you to improve your communication skills.

Language mode: English

Add-on time: 13 mins Reading time: 5 mins Group discussion time: 8 mins

Invented by: TBD

TA1203: Errornum Naanum

We will share 3 errors on your session topic and ask you to solve with the help of Google/Duck Duck Go.

Of course, mentors will give enough clues to finish it on time.

Add-on time: 10 mins

Invented by: TBD

TA1204: Just Google It (JuGI)

We will give you a topic to google and collect interview questions. You should find the best 2-4 questions and ask your fellow students.

Our mentors will judge the factor of the question from 1-10 based on the depths of the question.

If your question is answered by someone, they will get 10 times of the factor. If not, you will get 5 times the factor.


A asks a simple question Mentor decides the factor 2 B answers the question B gets 2 * 10 = 20

Add-on time: 10 mins

Invented by: TBD

TA1205: Video Analysis

We will give you a random video to analyze and discuss the video. This will be used to improve your communication skills.

Language mode: English

Reading time: 5 mins Group discussion time: 5 mins Add-on time: 10 mins

Sample Videos: Texas's power disaster is a warning sign for the US

Invented by: TBD

TA1206: GRE Words from TV Shows

We will share 3 words for you to google and find the meaning. Also, we will share the TV show details or specific scenarios where those words are used. This will be used for communication improvement.

Language mode: English/Thamizh

Add-on time: 10 mins

Invented by: TBD

TA1207: CollectBee

  • We will give one topic and 10 mins

  • You will have to collect a statement

  • We will score

Invented by: TBD

TA1208: Workplace conversation

We will share the workplace standup recording and ask the audience to share what they have understood from the conversation

Invented by: Bairavi

TA1209: KollyTech Crossword

Invented by: Priyanka

TA1210: Tech Riddle

Invented by: Godlin

TA1211: Workplace Emails

You will be given a workplace scenario and you will have to write a professional email. Our judges/mentors will pick 1-2 emails from the students and share their insights about the scenario.

Invented by: TBD

TA1212: Tech Article

You will be given a technical topic to write an article. Our mentors will pick any random article to talk about it.

Invented by: TBD

TA1213: Non-Tech Article

You will be given a technical topic to write an article. Our mentors will pick any random article to talk about it.

Invented by: TBD

TA1214: International Food

Get to know about food and discus it as a group.

TA1215: Convenfiaga: Code night with Founder

Every Saturday, you can work with our Founder Raja CSP who has 15+ years of experience in the IT industry and 4+ years experience in Data Engineering, ML Engineering, MLOps, and various research initiatives.

TA1216: Typing Test:

Students will be given 10mins and we will find the accuracy, speed, and some more criteria.

TA1217: Domain Interview Simulation

Domain-based interview questions and feedback

TA1218: Rejection Report

Documenting our interview failures are very important than the failures. We will help you to document and analyzer your failures.

Our experts will sit down with you in person and analyze why you got rejected in your previous interview.

10 session free for Bootcamp students

Fee: 10$/report

After discount: 2$/report

Last updated

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