Research Requirements

Tactiians do research always!!

Default Fund:

100$ - 500$ - Research - Phase 1 100$ - 500$ - Research with International publication - Phase 2

FR1101: Stack and Tact Index

predict the technologies like Python, Julia whether they will grow or shrink

Status: In Progress Research Holder: MIT Friends

FR1102: ImageMagic Alternate

ImageMagic library alternate to reduce the processing time

200 - 800$CAD - Commission - Phase 2

FR1103: Synthetic20

Based on 20% of the data, we can generate 80% data.

FR1104: Pose Generator

Pose generator for models

FR1105: DevZam

Shazam like algorithm to find the similarity between developers.

FR1106: Breathe Analyzer

We analyze your breather for good!

Last updated