Linux Evangelism

Here we evangelize all students to use Linux!

TactLabs conducted a small case study in 2014 to analyze whether working with Linux-like OS will increase the problem-solving skills comparing Windows OS.

It turns out the developers/students who worked on Linux distros have higher problem solving and critical reasoning skills than the dev/students who used Windows.

After analyzing our case study, we came up with a program called Linux Evangelism and share the Linux good news to all students in Canada and India.

Here is the list of students to get baptised with Linux since 2020 Aug:

Linux/Ubuntu Insurance: If you face any issues after installing Ubuntu or any other Linux distro, you will be eligible to apply for Linux Insurance. However, our board will do the basic assessment and make sure you are eligible to get the insuance payment. Your insurance can go up to 10,000 INR to 15,000 INR.

These are things what our volunteers mentioned about Ubuntu:

Last updated