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This article explains the differences between hedge funds and mutual funds.
Hedge funds don't need to be registered with SEBI.
Lance Beggs is one of the best traders in the world and this is very own youtube channel where he explains technical analysis.
Technical analysis is the core of trading like fundamental analysis is for investing.
This playlist teaches everything required to understand technical analysis from the simple basics.
In order to work with investor’s money. a firm has to be accredited by SEBI as a valid advisor. A person responsible for the management, advising, supervising a portfolio on the behalf of his clients is known as a portfolio manager.
Explains the concept of derivatives and how futures are different from options.
Options have a right but not the obligation to be used, but futures contracts are obliged to be exercised (there is no backing out from the trade).
It is important to understand futures since, most of the trading happens in either stocks or futures or forex.
This video explains what a derivative of a stock is and its importance.
Explains the 2 types of options ie calls and puts
Explains how profits and losses are incurred in both sides of the trade (selling and buying options)
Option trading is not risky if you know what you’re doing. Option strategies are so powerful that they can help book profits in any market condition if used properly.
This explains how George Soros made a billion trading using forex and also the invincible power of hedge funds.
Explains the chaos around Robinhood (Trading platform) and Gamestop stock.
A short squeeze is when a hedge fund is forced to cover their short positions(buy the stock that they short)to stop their losses.
This in turn increases the price of the stock manifold and makes it makes it even worse for all other hedge funds with similar short positions.
What is Dividends?
How it is calculated?
How is stock holder benefited?
A simple method for calculating the intrinsic value of a stock.
Intrinsic value is the estimate of what the company is actually worth.
This is an important part of fundamental analysis of any company.
Explains the Basic working of economy and its cycles.
Understanding the behavior of Financial Markets.
What is Short Selling?
Profit Formula behind it.
Sell high, Buy low.
If you can't explain the company that you are investing in, don't invest it.
If you can't understand their balance sheet, you are gonna lose the money
Lance Beggs is one of the best traders in the world and this is very own youtube channel where he explains technical analysis.
Technical analysis is the core of trading like fundamental analysis is for investing.
This playlist teaches everything required to understand technical analysis from the simple basics.
This article explains the differences between hedge funds and mutual funds.
Hedge funds dont need to be registered with SEBI
This video explains the characteristics of a hedge fund.
The rules governing hedge funds and the way they work.
Also explains why and how hedge funds cause market volatility.
This video explains inflation. The causes of inflation and what inflation does to the prices of goods and services.
Generally governments increase the interest rates to control people from spending too much money (to stop inflation) and this tends to pull the market down as most people sell their stocks and go for safer investment instruments offered by the banks (at a higher rate now)
A few great reads:
The intelligent investor
One up on wall street
Security analysis
Confidence game
A brief dive about what a stock market is and what it does
Bill Ackman helps understand the basic concepts of investing, balance sheets, understanding businesses using a simple lemonade example.
Great content in less than an hour! Must watch.